
Cupping is a form of traditional medicine used in many cultures all over the world. It is often used in conjunction with Acupuncture.

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy utilizes “cups”, which are placed on the skin with a partial vacuum (created by either heat or suction pump) within the cup. The vacuum draws up the underlying tissues. Cupping is not painful, although you will feel some tightness or pulling on the skin at the suction site. Cups are typically left on the body for 5 to 45 minutes. Cupping may be prescribed by itself, or used in conjunction with acupuncture and other treatment methods.

What are the benefits of cupping?

Cupping is effective for relieving pain, relaxing muscle spasms, increasing local blood circulation, detoxifying local tissue, and reducing inflammation. It is also used to treat common cold.

Cupping has been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. Cupping has many similarities to a deep tissue massage.

A list of some common uses of cupping:

  • Relieve shoulder, back, hip, leg pain
  • Relax muscle spasms
  • Activate blood circulation
  • Activate the lymphatic system (Detoxification)
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve venous return and varicosities
  • Benefit menstrual problems
  • Improve digestive issues
  • Improve respiratory problems, including the common cold, asthma, and bronchitis
  • Relieve Fibromyalgia pain

Cupping and your health

It has been estimated that more than 90 percent of Americans are at risk of suffering a serious illness related to the circulatory system. Cupping is best used as a preventive treatment, but where there is a present condition, cupping can help the body heal itself without the use of drugs or going through surgery.

When is it not safe to receive Cupping?

There are several instances where cupping should not be performed. Patients with inflamed skin; cases of high fever or convulsions; and patients who bleed easily, are not suitable candidates for cupping. Pregnant women should not have cupping on their stomach or lower back. If the cups are being moved, they should not cross bony areas, such as the ridges of the spine or the shoulder blades.