Awakenings Health is a holistic center that utilizes multiple treatment modalities. We offer both private and community acupuncture, massage, cupping, reiki, naturopathy, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, as well as nutrition and life coaching. In addition, we offer yoga and meditation classes. We are an integrative wellness team, built to stand on its own as a comprehensive health program for any age group.
Whether you are experiencing chronic pain from a longstanding medical condition or injury, or acute pain from a sports injury, or even simply bending over or getting up off the couch,
However, they go deeper than simply resolving pain. Pain is simply a distress signal sent from the body letting us know there is a situation requiring attention. If you not only want to resolve your pain, but also restore your body’s capacity to function at its full potential and maintain your health, it is necessary to choose a medical intervention that works to stimulate the body’s innate healing response and self-regulatory mechanisms.
A good Acupuncturist will work to not only resolve your pain, but tend to the underlying issues that have made it hard for your body to heal, and may have even left your body susceptible to injury and dysfunction in the first place.
Current pain management intervention in modern science is largely centered around reducing pain, as opposed to helping the body regain functionality. Modern medicine has developed unparalleled technology to intervene with the body, and supersede its function in order to stabilize critical dysfunction. Pharmaceutical drugs and surgery are fantastic at creating immediate change in the body to avoid disaster. However, this type of medical practice should not be utilized as primary medicine. Primary medicine should work WITH your body to help it restore its innate ability to self-regulate and heal. Acupuncture was developed 2,500+ years ago. At that time, science had not advanced to the point of being able to supersede the body’s function. Instead, Chinese medicine had to develop a system that worked to optimize the body’s functionality in an effort to eliminate dysfunction, restore balance, and maximize our health. The medical system that developed 2,500 years ago has not changed. That’s pretty amazing: and a testament to the foundation upon which the medicine was developed.
When it comes to dealing with pain, there is an order of operations we should adhere to:
- Make sure we are not in imminent danger. Make sure our condition is stable enough to allow for primary intervention.
- Utilize a medical approach that will work with our body to help alleviate our pain, restore functionality to the affected body parts, and put the future of our health back in our hands.
- Once we reestablish our body’s highest level of function, we can determine if it is necessary to utilize more invasive interventions, like pharmaceutical drugs or surgery in order to stabilize a serious threat to our health and well-being.
In order to navigate through this process, it is important to have a health care team that knows how to communicate together in order to recommend the appropriate care at the appropriate times. At Awakenings Health, we are always ready to discuss your health care needs with all of your doctors and entire health care team. We believe healthcare should be centered around the patient, and always geared toward the patients’ wishes and overall well-being.
PLEASE NOTE: We currently have our facial rejuvenation program on hold due to Covid. We will be resuming facial rejuvenation soon!
What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
Often referred to as Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is focused on improving the skin naturally. It promotes a healthy glow, from the inside out, and is a gentle, effective and safe way to combat the signs of aging. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an alternative to conventional cosmetic treatments such as Botox and collagen injections, fillers, micro-dermabrasion, photo rejuvenation, chemical peels and other harsh processes designed to ‘reverse the signs of aging’.
How does Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture work?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture aims to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as address other skin issues such as acne, rosacea and melasma/chloasma (hyperpigmentation).
The face has 57 muscles that gradually lose their tone and mass. Collagen, which is an integral component of connective tissue, helps keep the skin firm, plump and supple, and will decrease as we age. Via the insertion of thin needles locally, on the face, head and neck, and distally, on the body, acupuncture facilitates collagen and elastin production. The “micro-trauma” created by the needles encourages the body to go into repair mode. In reaction to this stimulation, the skin will respond by producing collagen, which softens the lines on the face. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture not only tones facial muscles and improves blood flow to the face, but it also fosters circulation throughout the entire body and aims to treat the underlying cause of any blemishes and age spots.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is more than just a cosmetic procedure targeting the face. Patients at Awakenings Health are offered a personalized treatment addressing their individual and specific skin concerns and overall health. During the initial consult, the Acupuncturist will take a full medical history. The Acupuncturist will perform a pulse diagnosis, look at your tongue and examine your facial features and discuss any concerns that you may have. A thorough treatment plan and realistic expectations will be discussed with you during the first appointment so that the number of treatments and expectations can be addressed.
If you wear make up, we will help you remove it with a gentle make up remover during the treatment, or you can bring your make up kit along, and apply it after treatment. The Acupuncturist may also use Facial Cupping and Gua Sha during a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment.
What can Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture address?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can address many of the following conditions:
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Aging Skin and Age Spots
- Crow’s Feet
- Sagging Skin
- Droopy Eyelids
- Dark Circles or Bags Under the Eyes
- Dry and Sun Damaged Skin
- Pigmentation Issues and Uneven Skin Tone
- Open Pores
- Acne Prone Skin and Scarring in General
- Jowls and “Double chins”
- Poor Muscle Tone
- Eliminate or Decrease Puffiness
What’s involved in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
During treatment, thin needles are placed on the outside of the ear to promote relaxation and body points are used to address the internal perspective and specific conditions. Needles are then placed on the face, in acupuncture points as well as directly into wrinkles. After the acupuncture treatment, the Acupuncturist may incorporate the use of Facial Cupping and Gua Sha.
Patients should see a wonderful glow with improved circulation and walk away feeling a general sense of relaxation. Patients may also see improvements in sleep, digestion, have more energy, feel less stressed and generally better overall.
The initial appointment, which includes consultation and treatment, is 110 minutes in duration. All return appointments are 90 minutes long.
Facial Cupping and Gua Sha
Cupping has been practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 3,000 years. Today, cupping is regularly used in over 60 countries. Facial Cupping decompresses the muscles and fascia, brings nutrients, new blood and fluids into the treated area, and results in healthier, better-nourished tissue.
The techniques used in Facial Cupping are very gentle. The cups are very small and are designed for use on the face and neck only. The cups are moved along the facial skin and only left in a stationary position for a few seconds, therefore alleviating any potential bruising. Facial Cupping promotes an increase in local circulation to the skin, reduces puffiness and dark circles and serves to augment absorption of lotions, creams and serums. TMJ and sinus allergies, as well as rosacea and melasma can be effectively treated with Facial Cupping.
Facial Gua Sha is a technique where smooth pieces of jade are used to stimulate the skin and encourage blood supply to the region. A gentle massaging technique is used. Facial Gua Sha can also be used to treat skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, melasma and dark circles.
Both Facial Cupping and Facial Gua Sha can be used as a standalone treatment or in addition to a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment.
When is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Contraindicated?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is contraindicated if you have any of the following:
- High Blood Pressure
- Problems with Bleeding or Bruising
- Severe Migraine Headaches
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Cancer
- Hepatitis
- Vertigo or
- Recent Microdermabrasion, Laser, Botox or Dermal Fillers (Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse etc.)
The Acupuncturist will not administer treatment during:
- Pregnancy
- Cold or Flu
- A Herpes Outbreak
- If you have Allergic Reactions or any Skin Diseases
- Or under Extreme Stress or Tension
Patients will experience optimal results when treatments are completed as part of a series of weekly treatments for a period of 10-12 treatments. The information provided below is a general outline of what patients can expect with Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatments.
Week 1 & 2: Clinically, it is not uncommon to see hydrated, softened and glowing skin. Muscles of the face may appear more relaxed, and tension in the brow and jawline can decrease. There is often an increase in color and a brightened complexion.
Week 3 & 4: Often a lifting and tightening sensation can be reported in weakened and droopy muscles. The skin continues to feel softer and large pores may start to minimize. Fine lines may begin to soften.
Week 5, 6 & 7: The stimulation of collagen will become most evident during weeks 5-7. The skin around the mouth and cheeks may feel tighter and the lines around the mouth begin to soften. The face may look and feel lifted, plumper and brighter.
Week 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12: The face will continue to feel firmer, hydrated and taut. The complexion may feel more even, large pores may be even smaller and any redness diminished. The folds off the nose (nasolabial) and corner of the mouth (marionette) will often decrease.Maintenance: The results achieved after a series of 10-12 treatments will vary and depend on age and the body’s ability to respond to the stimulation that Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment provides. It is generally accepted that the healthier you are, the more optimal the results will be. The results of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, like general acupuncture are cumulative. This means that benefits will often continue to improve with each treatment. Maintenance sessions are recommended every 4-8 weeks and will depend on age and skin type. The results achieved, when maintained, can last for years.
(Truly) Transformational Life Coaching
“Dr. Gries’ coaching IS transformational! Many times I needed his coaching just as much or more than the acupuncture. He’s excellent at both! Dr. Gries always had the right questions, perspective and positive attitude to encourage positive changes. I always wrote down his advice, kept notecards if quotes in my wallet and practiced his wise words. He helped give me the courage to try new things and believe in a better way!” Sarah P.
“I have made more progress in 2 months of seeing Dr. Gries than 20 years of every type of psychotherapy combined. He has helped me connect with my soul, find my strength and set me on the path I have been trying to find since childhood. I am unbelievably grateful for his kind, nonjudgmental, seeing heart and have found a peace in my everyday life that even my family and friends are noticing. I’m not done on my journey yet, we are always learning, changing and evolving but for the first time I am genuinely filled with hope about all that is to come!” Sam O
For more than 20 years, Dr. Adam Gries has helped countless coaching clients to connect to what is meaningful in their lives and to heal from the past. The pursuit of happiness is about more than bucket lists, or reaching goals or making your outer world “look” the way you think it should. If you are wrestling with what is the next step in your life, or wanting to find healing from anxiety, PTSD or depression, reach out to us. We will be happy to schedule a brief telemedicine session with Dr. Gries so you can get to know him and share what you are experiencing in a safe, confidential setting.
You can schedule a coaching session with Dr. Adam Gries at our North Raleigh location or via telemedicine, from the comfort of your home or office. Schedule by calling 919.935.9832 or easily online at this link:
Private One-on-One Yoga Sessions with Thai massage
“Teach what is appropriate for an individual.”
The Father of Modern Yoga
“The depth and experience that Laura brings to yoga comes through in her thoughtful teaching. She gently challenges and encourages us to physically move in new ways. I have been a yoga teacher for 15 years, and her adjustments are some of the best I’ve ever seen! Thank you!” Sarah P.
Profound changes occur when a yoga teacher and student connect and have open communication about the body, mind, and soul.
Private, personalized, one-on-one yoga and massage are taught by registered yoga teacher and holistic health practitioner, Laura Gries at Awakenings Health.
We always have your safety in mind: We provide a conscious and vaccinated therapist, a mask mandate, and a heavily sanitized facility. We also tend to your body and mind awareness when entering, exiting, and breathing into a pose. Your safety is of the utmost importance to all of us at Awakenings.
This one-on-one time allows full and complete attention to all of your needs. An individualized yoga and massage session is developed prior to every class to ensure the process of healing then growth.
In addition to an individualized yoga session, this treatment has 30 minutes of deeply healing Thai massage. Thai massage is often referred to as “yoga for the lazy man.” This floor-based and fully-clothed massage allows you to embody yoga poses passively. In areas where your body is not completely open or even “stuck,” this massage allows you to take the poses even deeper with the help of the therapist. Where your body is not completely open, this massage allows you to take the poses even deeper passively. Your body, mind, and spirit are moved, balanced, and relaxed as you enter a meditative state during this massage.
You will leave feeling stronger, more flexible, with less discomfort and feeling 15 years younger!
What To Bring
Please wear comfortable clothing to facilitate the ease of the due to the movements and stretches. A sanitized yoga mat is provided unless you would prefer to use your own. A low massage mattress or futon is utilized on the floor where both you and your teacher have space to lie and sit comfortably for the Thai massage.
The Sequence
Private one on one yoga session followed by a 30-minute Thai massage.
$165 for 90 minutes of one-on-one treatment.
Laura accepts cash, check, credit card or Venmo payments (to
Awakenings Health’s yoga teacher and massage therapist, Laura Gries, is deeply committed to using her work to bring healing body, mind and spirit to her clients. Here is her story:

Telemedicine at Awakenings Health!
Awakenings Health is offering telemedicine appointments to help you when you need to stay at home. Use telemedicine for checking in on your progress, herbal medicine prescriptions or transformational life coaching.
How can Awakenings Health help?
You don’t have to see us in-person to see the benefits of our treatment. We utilize the entirety of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not just acupuncture. Our practitioners can treat you by providing:
-Acupressure guidance
-Meridian massage instruction
-Dietary advice
-Herbal supplement advice and prescriptions
-Exercise suggestions
-Personal development/transformational life coaching with Dr. Adam Gries
If you’re not sure if we can help your symptoms, please call us at 919.935.9832 or email us at
How do you book a telemedicine appointment?
You book a telemedicine appointment by phoning us at 919.935.9832 or through our booking page just like normal. Here is that link: Awakenings Health
Dr. Adam Gries is also currently offering complimentary 15-minute herbal consultations. Use the “herbal consult” link under “services” when you book. Or call 919.935.9832 or email, to schedule that.
What happens during a telemedicine appointment?
For a telemedicine appointment, you will need a computer or smartphone with camera capabilities and internet access. When your appointment is confirmed, you will be given a video chat link that will allow you to connect with your practitioner once it’s time for your appointment.
During your appointment, your practitioner will be ready to listen to your health concerns and possibly look at your area(s) of trouble, just like a normal in-person appointment. Once we have an idea of what’s bothering you, we can provide you with our healing recommendations.
Here is that booking link again: Awakenings Health
We look forward to serving you and your family with telemedicine at Awakenings!