Yoga with Laura Gries at Awakenings!

Kali is a dramatic expression of a mother’s fierce and protective love for her children. The feminine power rising up to protect her those who threaten her babies. Kali destroys demons and ego & she bestows moksha or liberation.
After a car accident left Laura paralyzed from the neck down, she had to start all over again. She never regained her collegiate level athleticism, but with years and years of rigorous rehab, exercise, and self-help, she has re-emerged.
Laura opened a non-profit fitness and wellness clinic in 2004 specifically for neurological disorders and paralysis. It treated people at a chronic health level long term and acquired special funding for each individual as their health care expenses were extraordinary. All care was one on one and taught people self-care and how to find their true selves after such a traumatic event in their lives. This, and only this, would allow each person to achieve true inner happiness. It was during these years that Laura found yoga to be the one practice that allowed her to accept her starting place and helped her to use her body to free her soul.
Awakenings Health yoga is a boutique style studio, only allowing a limited amount of students at a time to give quality and individual attention.
Laura adjusts each of her students to ensure each asana is performed properly and aligned. This allows proper preparation for the bigger classes so her students know how to be attentive to their own personal bio-mechanics and avoid injuries. Laura’s classes allow students to sink into and embody the essence of each asana.
Awakenings Health is offering Yoga mOM, All Levels, Couples Yoga, Privates and Semi-Privates. (Couples, Private and Semi-Private classes are appointment-only and designed for the ultimate intimate yoga experience.)
Yoga mOM was designed to give a mama 45 quick minutes of her own time and space, get a good workout, and learn the ancient wisdom of the ultimate treasure in life, happiness. This class is open to all levels and moms of all stages.