What To Expect from Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Last week we introduced you to facial rejuvenation acupuncture, and we received several inquiries about what to expect throughout the course of treatment. Here’s a little more information on how it works:

Patients will experience optimal results when treatments are completed as part of a series of weekly treatments for a period of 10-12 treatments. The information provided below is a general outline of what patients can expect with Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatments.

Week 1 & 2: Clinically, it is not uncommon to see hydrated, softened and glowing skin. Muscles of the face may appear more relaxed, and tension in the brow and jawline can decrease. There is often an increase in color and a brightened complexion.

Week 3 & 4: Often a lifting and tightening sensation can be reported in weakened and droopy muscles. The skin continues to feel softer and large pores may start to minimize.  Fine lines may begin to soften.

Week 5, 6 & 7: The stimulation of collagen will become most evident during weeks 5-7. The skin around the mouth and cheeks may feel tighter and the lines around the mouth begin to soften. The face may look and feel lifted, plumper and brighter.

Week 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12: The face will continue to feel firmer, hydrated and taut. The complexion may feel more even, large pores may be even smaller and any redness diminished. The folds off the nose (nasolabial) and corner of the mouth (marionette) will often decrease.

Maintenance: The results achieved after a series of 10-12 treatments will vary and depend on age and the body’s ability to respond to the stimulation that Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment provides. It is generally accepted that the healthier you are, the more optimal the results will be. The results of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, like general acupuncture are cumulative. This means that benefits will often continue to improve with each treatment. Maintenance sessions are recommended every 4-8 weeks and will depend on age and skin type. The results achieved, when maintained, can last for years.