Fearless Warrior Meditation

Fearless Warrior Meditation

by Laura Gries–schedule with Laura here.


Fear is a natural phenomenon. All of us have it because it’s programmed into

our nervous systems to keep us safe. It’s used to warn and protect us from

Being harmed and aims to protect us in acute situations.


Most people hang onto it, chronically, which is detrimental to their

health. Chronic fear weakens the immune system, causes cardiovascular

damage, decreased fertility and gastrointestinal problems such as IBS and



The courageous and fearless heroes are not absent of fear, they are the

ones who grab the bull by the horns, face it and conquer it.


Resisting or avoiding the things we fear only creates a standstill,

paralysis, stagnation and little to no growth.


Shift your relationship with FEAR, be a FEARLESS WARRIOR and identify what

is holding you back in your life.


Meditation: Take 5 minutes a day


Begin to breathe. Breathe into any areas of tightness, tension or holding

in your body. Take 3 deep breaths into this/these area(s), release all of

your tension with your exhales.


Ask yourself, how is fear holding me back from the life I crave and desire?


Gently place your right hand on your heart and left on your belly. Softly

tell yourself, you are safe, you are loved, you are safe, you are loved. Do

this to yourself for the next few minutes of your meditation.


Allow yourself to imagine someone, something or somewhere that makes you

feel safe and loved. Breathe into this thought for the remainder of your



Tip: try setting an alarm when you know you will have 5 quiet uninterrupted

minutes in your day. Try this positive meditation to conquer your fears and

be the FEARLESS WARRIOR within!


By Laura Gries

Get to know Laura and her journey here.