Emotional health-Finding peace

Fearless Warrior Meditation

Fearless Warrior Meditation by Laura Gries–schedule with Laura here. Fear is a natural phenomenon. All of us have it because it’s programmed into our nervous systems to keep us safe. It’s used to warn and protect us from Being harmed and aims to protect us in acute situations. Most people hang onto it, chronically, which is detrimental to

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The Miracle of the Lotus Flower

There is a very old tale that is called the Story of the Lotus Flower. It first shows up in Buddhism and later became a part of the narrative of growth and transformation in many yoga traditions. The beauty found in Mother Nature offers us a deep well of wisdom. All of the flowers have a sacred meaning–the sunflower symbolizes

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Writing for Healing

Writing for Healing Remember that the page can hold it all. It is your friend. Spill it onto the page if you need to download. Let writing soothe you. Nancy Peacock, award-winning Hillsborough, NC writer There’s a tendency to treat human despair as something foreign, an illness that needs to be avoided and/or medicated or controlled or compartmentalized into

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Meditate Imperfectly.

Always remember that when you try to meditate, if it doesn’t come automatically or as straightforward as you wish, that’s okay. Forgive yourself and be kind, gentle and open towards yourself.  Dza Kilung Rinpoche Meditation. The word carries a great deal of weight, and unfortunately, that includes baggage. We seem to have been programmed in our Western culture to view

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Laugh (snort, chuckle, guffaw, chortle, giggle) for your health!

“Remember laughing? Laughter enhances the blood flow to the body’s extremities and improves cardiovascular function. Laughter releases endorphins and other natural mood elevating and pain-killing chemicals, improves the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to internal organs. Laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body fight off disease, cancer cells as well as viral, bacterial and other infections. Being happy

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Optimism Is Good For Your Health

Research studies so often focus on the risk factors for various diseases and shortened life spans, but they rarely focus on what makes us more likely to be health and live a long life. “After decades of research, a new study links optimism and prolonged life. Researchers have found that individuals with greater optimism are more likely to live longer

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Is Grounding/Earthing Beneficial To Your Health?

A study from the National Institutes of Health showed that “grounding” or “earthing” might actually have a beneficial impact on health. The study states: “Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor

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  • 8352 Six Forks Rd, Ste. 203 Raleigh, NC, 27615
  • 919-935-9832
  • info@awakeningshealth.com

8352 Six Forks Rd, Ste. 203 Raleigh, NC, 27615

919-935-9832   ;   info@awakeningshealth.com