Raleigh yoga

Is Grounding/Earthing Beneficial To Your Health?

A study from the National Institutes of Health showed that “grounding” or “earthing” might actually have a beneficial impact on health. The study states: “Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor

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Aspirin: Should You Take a Daily Dose?

It used to be that doctors recommended a daily dose of aspirin, but recent studies have shown that that may not actually be effective for otherwise healthy people. According to a new article that came out in the New England Journal of Medicine: ”Taking a low-dose aspirin every day to prevent a heart attack or stroke is no longer recommended

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A Simple Life

“The world can be such a noisy place. Loud, haranguing voices lecturing me to hustle, to improve, build, strive, yearn, acquire, compete, and grasp for more. For bigger and better. Sacrifice sleep for productivity. Strive for excellence. Go big or go home. Have a huge impact in the world. Make your life count. What if all I want is a

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  • 8352 Six Forks Rd, Ste. 203 Raleigh, NC, 27615
  • 919-935-9832
  • info@awakeningshealth.com

8352 Six Forks Rd, Ste. 203 Raleigh, NC, 27615

919-935-9832   ;   info@awakeningshealth.com