Genetic Predisposition vs. Lifestyle

Is your current health status due to a genetic predisposition, your lifestyle choices and mindset or a combination of both? 

“A new study finds that if you tell people that they have a genetic predisposition to certain health characteristics, such as a low capacity for exercise or a tendency to overeat, their bodies start to respond accordingly. Even if their DNA does not actually contain the gene variants in question. The study raises provocative questions about the extent to which our genes affect our physical well-being.”

Mr. Turnwald, from the Department of Psychology at Stanford University stated that “our mind-sets, or mental expectations about ourselves, seem to play an equal or even greater role than does our DNA in shaping some of our bodies’ reactions to diet and exercise. But far more research is needed, he continues, to understand the interplay of genes, beliefs and health, and eventually help people better interpret any results they receive from genetic health tests.”

In clinic l will often hear something akin to “my mother had diabetes or my father had heart disease etc, so l am bound to get it.” 

Recognizing genetic predisposition is important, however, as individuals, there is a lot that we can do to address lifestyle factors. Prevention can be powerful.…/mind-may-trump-dna-in-exercise-an…

Learning one’s genetic risk changes physiology independent of actual genetic risk

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Wishing you wellness,

Mary Clark