naturopathic medicine

So What Does CBD Oil Treat?

Now that you’ve learned a little about the difference between full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and the isolate forms of CBD oil, let’s talk about what CBD oil is commonly used for. Keep in mind that researchers are still in the early stages of determining the various ways CBD oil interacts with the human body. Much more work needs to be done to

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Is Grounding/Earthing Beneficial To Your Health?

A study from the National Institutes of Health showed that “grounding” or “earthing” might actually have a beneficial impact on health. The study states: “Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor

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Angina and Acupuncture

A recent study published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association (July 29, 2019) reported that adjunctive acupuncture reduced angina frequency and pain intensity in those suffering from chronic stable angina (CSA). It was found to be more effective than antianginal therapy alone. Acupuncture treatment also resulted in better regulation of anxiety and depression within the treatment period. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The

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How Does Stress Affect the Gut?

Feeling stressed, anxious, angry or sad while eating will have a short and long-term effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.  Research continues to report that exposure to stress results in alterations of the bidirectional microbiota-gut-brain axis interactions (“brain-gut axis”).⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“The major effects of stress on gut physiology include: 1) alterations in gastrointestinal motility; 2) increase in visceral perception; 3) changes

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Vitamin D and Hypertension

Is there a link between low vitamin D levels and resistant hypertension? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀A study published in the journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (April 2, 2019) believes that there is, and found a statistically significant association between Vitamin D deficiency (levels lower than 20 ng/ml) and resistant hypertension (a blood pressure >140/90 mmHg despite the concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive agents

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Are You Magnesium Deficient?

Common symptoms of mild-to-moderate magnesium deficiency include anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, panic attacks, muscle cramps and twitches, chest tightness, hyperventilation, faintness, difficulty with mental concentration, memory loss, confusion, nuchal pain, headaches, intestinal complaints, tremor, palpitations, and certain types of cardiac arrhythmias. Magnesium is a cofactor for more than 300 different enzymes. It is essential for the synthesis of adenosine

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  • 919-935-9832

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